Notions and Notations

My Thoughts to You

Monday, July 19, 2010

Titus 2

In Titus 2 we find a biblical chain of command. God told Paul to write Titus a letter telling him to preach sound doctrine to the people. Then he gave the specifics as to what that sound doctrine would be. He speaks to the aged men, the aged women, the young women, the young men, and the servants.

Let me zero in on verses 4-5 which is speaking to the aged women and how they should teach the young women certain things. You may be a young woman who says that no older lady has ever taught you the things mentioned in this passage. If that is the case, you still have no excuse because we have it written right in God's Word.

Verse two says that young women should be sober, loving to their husband, children, discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to their own husbands.

First, he says young women should be sober. Now this not talking about not being under the influence of alcohol. The word here has the idea of being controlled or disciplined. This is a difficult thing for young women. It is so easy to fall into a lack of control over our emotions, our tongue, and even our diet. As young women, we need to be living disciplined lives for Christ.

Second, the verse says young women are to be taught to love their husbands. This type of love is actually a friendship type. Sometimes as a wife perhaps it is easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to be your husband's best friend.

Third, the young women are to be taught to love their children. Some would haughtily say, "why do you need to be taught this? It's so natural!" I'm sorry to say, at 3:00am it is not my natural tendency to love the child who is screaming. It is often a struggle to love your children when they are fussy or even sinful. The word here is once again that friendship type of love. We love our children because they are our children, but perhaps we need to learn to "like" them at times.

Fourth, the young women are to be taught to be discreet. Discretion is something that is lacking so much among the young women of the world. Unfortunately, it creeps into Christian schools and homes through teens influenced by television and unsaved friends. Even young adult women can be found lacking in discretion. This can be seen in a low cut top or a flirty way of speech to a married man or even an unmarried man. In the Greek it has the idea of having a good head on your shoulders or of once again being controlled. As young women, we need to pray for discretion or good judgment in our speech, attitudes, and actions.

Fifth, the young women are to be taught to be chaste. Chaste is an older word that actually means to be pure. Whether you are married or not, you must be pure in your thoughts, attitudes, speech, and actions. Sometimes as married women, we might think we have a license to speak of things that should not be spoken of or even to dress however we like. Modesty is a large part of being chaste. The fashions today make it difficult to be modest, but all it takes is a little undershirt or tank top to help a fellow brother avoid sinning and to keep you from sinning as well.

Sixth, the young women are to be taught to be keepers at home. Many of us women get ideas as to ways we could make a difference in society by putting our name on the world. The verse tells us that it is more important to put our touch on our home and family.

Seventh, the young women are to be taught to be good. This is a pretty broad term in our English language. Even in the Greek it really does mean "good." It has the idea of being happy and good-natured. As women it's easy to let our emotions get the better of us, and in doing so our joy seems to be extinguished with the tears of our own sorrows. Though it is difficult, we need to remember that Christ is all we need, and no matter what happens, we can be happy.

Eighth, the young women are to be taught to be obedient to their own husbands. For some, this may be the most difficult of the eight. Many of us were fairly independent and strong-willed when we got married. And sometimes we might not think what our husband wants is the best decision, but God commands us to obey. And because he commands us to obey, when we do, He will bless us. By being obedient to our husbands we are putting ourselves below them. Marriage is a picture of Christ's relationship to the church. The church is under Christ. We must be under our husbands, and let God do the rest.

We can learn many things from Titus 2:4-5. How many of us are really obedient to these verses. Perhaps you have never been taught this until now. Well, now you have a task ahead of you. If you've known this, but never really applied it to yourself, now is the time. I know many of these areas are a struggle for me. May the Lord help us daily to be like the young woman of Titus 2.

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